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A Place for Rule-Based Machine Translation

Michael Gasser
School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University

IT Doctoral Program, Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa, October 28, 2011


Components of an MT system

trans 1 trans 2 trans 3 trans 4 trans 5

Two properties of a good translation

Other desirable features of an MT theory

Two kinds of cross-lingual information needs

Rule-based machine translation

Rule-based machine translation

Statistical machine translation

Statistical machine translation

So which wins?

Where SMT does badly

How does SMT do with DTM?

The problem of complex morphology

Morphology: English vs. Amharic

I hear her እሰማታለሁ
they hear me ይሰሙኛል
we hear her እንሰማታለን
when you (sg.mas.) hear them ስትሰማቸው
if you (pl.) hear us ብትሰሙን
even if you (sg.fem.) don't hear him ባትሰሚውም
so that I don't hear you (pl.) እንዳልሰማችሁ

SMT: DTM and complex morphology

Linguistic generalizations

Linguistic generalizations

Basic steps in RBMT

  1. Morphological analysis of source language sentence
  2. Syntactic analysis of source language sentence
  3. Application of transfer rules
  4. Syntactic generation of target language sentence
  5. Morphological generation of target language sentence

An example RBMT system

A linguistic theory: Extensible Dependency Grammar (Debusmann, 2007)

Dependency grammar and XDG

constit dep 5 dep 5 dep 1

A translation sentence pair in XDG

enam xdg

Where the rules are

Translation in L3

Current/future work on L3

Thank you!
